
Showing posts from September, 2019


Part 1 - an Introduction Our life on earth is framed by our birth and our death. From our soul’s point of view, it’s an amazing journey we undertake to help us to progress spiritually. Our spirit is like a light always shining ahead of us; our body is always in the now. The soul is a mediator between the two.   And this has implications: We came from spirit and will return to this our spiritual home. During our physical life our soul retains a connection with the spiritual realms, even if we aren’t conscious of it. Before we are born our spirit gives us a blueprint. It’s the purpose of our incarnation. Our soul chooses to incarnate into a certain family, place and into certain conditions. What we encounter throughout our lifetime needs to be experienced so we can work with and fulfil the requirements of our blueprint – for this life. In the big picture it’s part of a continuing process for the soul. We have lived before and we will live again in a new body. What we br...