The first Saturn return A powerful impulse comes to an individual around the age of twenty-eight. It’s called the first Saturn return: the planet Saturn is back where it was in your horoscope at birth. In pop culture, astrology has become a means of checking out what will happen for you each week, month or year. More seriously it’s used as a kind of soul map. The reality behind this is the spiritual connection between the microcosm of the human being and the greater cosmos, the macrocosm depicted via the heavenly bodies. The Hermetic Dictum, ‘As it is above, so it is below’, applies in all our lives. The sign for Saturn, still used in modern astronomy, is made up of a cross and a downward facing sickle or scythe shape. The cross symbolism reveals the penetration of spirit into matter. The scythe signifies Saturnus the Roman god of agriculture and symbolically means it’s time to reap the ‘harvest’ you have sown ...