As well as the sword of the spiritual will, Archangel Michael carries a pair of scales. And scales are balancing implements. There is much in our world that’s out of balance. Just take male-female relationships. Humanity has lived with with 3000 or so years of patriarchy and the strong-arm leadership of aggression – of ‘male’ or yang domination out of balance with its yin polarity. Archangel Michael is traditionally portrayed as male, but that’s not the reality. This painting by Monika Bisits captures something of the reality. A spiritual being is not male or female. Spirit is one. Really, we need a new word for such a being. ‘He’, ‘she’, ‘it’ or the clumsy substitute ‘they’ are inadequate terms. Female and male, yin and yang, all polarities unite in one whole. Spirit is always active in the world and the power of Archangel Michael works specifically in this age, in our lives. Right now, we are in a liminal zone, approaching a threshold alive with promise. W...