Who is a Modern Gnostic?

I came across a website by women fed up with the patriarchal church and its centuries-long subjugation of the feminine. I liked their section exploring the importance of women in early Christianity and thought they might like to know about my novel Marriages of the Magdalene. S o I made contact. A message came back. ‘Sorry to be blunt when you have been so complimentary, but we couldn’t possibly have anything in common or continue to communicate. It appears to us that you are a Gnostic!’ (they had looked over my website). There was no explanation. Mystified I was motivated to find possible reasons for the rebuff. After all, Gnosticism didn’t reject the feminine spirit or her human counterpart. Wisdom, Sophia in Greek was very much part of it, and Mary Magdalene was often cast as a guide to wisdom. A look at Gnostic origins Gnostic comes from gnosis, the Greek word for knowledge, the kind of knowledge that enables insight into spiri...