Sometimes during Melbourne’s Summer, it doesn’t rain for weeks. That’s why after a thunderstorm you notice things like the lovely way raindrops on a spider web scintillate in the emerging sunlight. The picture weaves into your dreams, like the night I dreamt I was in my garden peering into one watery orb to see what was reflected there. Suddenly I noticed that it was night. The raindrop became like those photos of earth taken from space, with the darkness of the globe’s surface scattered with the lights of a host of cities, dense in patches, less so in areas with few inhabitants. I leaned even closer and could see now spaces between even the densest clusters. Then something beautiful happened. The lights became miniature dewdrops with fine threads spun out like spider-silk clothing the planet in an exquisite fractal-like garment. And along all these delicate threads I saw human souls moving in each direction as if along highways. Somehow, I knew they were living souls ( n...