

    The first Saturn return A powerful impulse comes to an individual around the age of twenty-eight. It’s called the first Saturn return: the planet Saturn is back where it was in your horoscope at birth. In pop culture, astrology has become a means of checking out what will happen for you each week, month or year. More seriously it’s used as a kind of soul map. The reality behind this is the spiritual connection between the microcosm of the human being and the greater cosmos, the macrocosm depicted via the heavenly bodies. The Hermetic Dictum, ‘As it is above, so it is below’, applies in all our lives.   The sign for Saturn, still used in modern astronomy, is made up of a cross and a downward facing sickle or scythe shape. The cross symbolism reveals the penetration of spirit into matter. The scythe signifies Saturnus the Roman god of agriculture and symbolically means it’s time to reap the ‘harvest’ you have sown ...


3 x 7 - the Soul Cycles    We have looked at the first third of life, which is the building phase. Now, by age 21 the fullness of the physical person is available, and a new level of development begins. Just as physical development takes three cycles this will also take three cycles. These three stages are about the development of the soul or consciousness. It’s the time of working from the inside out, where ideally consciousness emerges in line with the spiritual blueprint. While radical physical changes are not observable, from now on steps in the unfolding of our soul life continue in their sevenfold rhythm that brings us to age 42. The Sun as the centre The sun is the physical centre and powerhouse of our solar system, and metaphysically it represents our centre, that is our individuality, our ‘I’. Ideally, we have integrated our soul with our ‘I’ by the end of these three sun cycles. In esoteric teachings the soul is threefold, and it’s connected with but not the same as ...


Puberty   Fourteen is the archetypal year marking puberty and the shift from child to adolescent. The age when this takes place is quite varied. There are both physical and emotional changes and these may not happen together. Already in the couple of years prior to puberty, great changes commence in the body and become a strong drive in the boy or girl. Girls prior to puberty experience a dramatic growth spurt in their physical body. Their energies are all directed to this so they can have a lack of energy and lethargy. Prior to puberty boys tend to become gangling and awkward, ‘all elbows’. This is matched by lots of assertive ‘conquering’ energy. The moon remains a strong influence as a young person moves into the early stage of adolescence. This is what brings about the rapid growth and bodily changes as well as the ebb and flow of emotions. The astral Puberty signals the third birth, and it introduces the astral cycle. We have looked at the physical stage when the body is ...


The second cycle, ages 7-14   When the baby teeth loosen most children feel that something new is in the air. It is. And it involves more than physical events. The coming of the second set of teeth marks the etheric cycle or second birth. The etheric – prana, chi or life body – is what gives the life to the physical. The invisible etheric weaves through the earth’s flora and fauna. Without these forces any physical form isn’t alive. The etheric is characterised by movement and rhythm and relates especially to the rhythms of life as  kairos  or the timely season.    A child enters a new life season at around seven years and the etheric forces begin to flow in a new way. Children develop new energies, more vivid imaginations, memory and a sensitivity to the world through an emergent feeling level. T hrough the inner rhythm of their own being   they become awake to the rhythms of the world, of day and ni...


From birth to seven years Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting And cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come  From God, who is our home. Wordsworth the poet has captured it. That’s how we arrive on earth. And those clouds of glory open a mother’s heart in readiness, even while we are in the womb. There o ur brain is being imprinted with the potential we need for our spiritual development, based on the spiritual blueprint our spirit gave to our soul. It’s important that we are loved. Our dramatic birth into the physical world involves the first experience of taking in air, abrupt, sharp noises, light, unexpected faces and strange objects. It’s a shock after the intimate relationship with the mother during our womb life , held close and bathed in the warm amniotic fluid, communicating through our mother’s rhythmic heartbeat w...


Part 1 - an Introduction Our life on earth is framed by our birth and our death. From our soul’s point of view, it’s an amazing journey we undertake to help us to progress spiritually. Our spirit is like a light always shining ahead of us; our body is always in the now. The soul is a mediator between the two.   And this has implications: We came from spirit and will return to this our spiritual home. During our physical life our soul retains a connection with the spiritual realms, even if we aren’t conscious of it. Before we are born our spirit gives us a blueprint. It’s the purpose of our incarnation. Our soul chooses to incarnate into a certain family, place and into certain conditions. What we encounter throughout our lifetime needs to be experienced so we can work with and fulfil the requirements of our blueprint – for this life. In the big picture it’s part of a continuing process for the soul. We have lived before and we will live again in a new body. What we br...